Sunday, November 30, 2008

Zoo Lights

Travis, Merrick and I decided to head out to Zoo Lights this evening. We figured since it was a nice evening, we would brave the crowds and head out to see the lights. It was the first time for all of us, and if you're not in the Christmas spirit after being there, you really must be a scrooge!

Bryan Adams Concert

Travis and I headed out Saturday night with Mike and Leann to see Bryan Adams at the Aladdin Theater. He did an acoustic show and because the venue is so small, we were able to get good seats. I was actually really impressed with his show. He sang for about an hour and 45 minutes without a break with either just his guitar or sometimes accompanied by the piano. I wasn't able to get very good pictures, but I was able to get some video footage through my camera.

Christmas Tree

Since we are hosting the annual Yates Holiday party this coming weekend, we had to get our tree earlier than we have in past years. We headed to Lee Family Farms in Tualatin to find the perfect tree. We spent some time walking around the property, getting to see turkeys and bunnies, before finding our tree. Merrick wasn't really in to finding a tree, so our trip was actually pretty short. Good thing Mom was able to find a tree quickly!


Our Thanksgiving actually started last weekend with a visit from Grandpa Brad, Grandma Karen, Granny, Grandma Kathy and Grandma Sisco. We enjoyed a nice brunch and Merrick had fun entertaining and being the center of attention.

Merrick with all his grandmas and great-grandmas
Then on Wednesday we headed South to visit Poppa, Grammy and all the aunts, uncles and cousins. We had a busy couple of days, but also had lots of fun.

Bath time with cousins Micah and Quin

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Visit from the Seattle cousins

Kira, Erik and the boys came to visit this past weekend. The adults went to the Blazer game, while the boys stayed home and got to watch Kung Fu Panda. Sunday morning we went to the children's museum and burned off some energy.Quin and Merrick with Travis
Quin, Micah and Merrick check out the Bob the Builder exhibit

Quin and Merrick enjoying the water exhibit
Quin gives the Aligator chair a try

Trick or Treat

Merrick really enjoyed Halloween this year and went trick or treating with his friend Megan. Megan knew exactly what to do and Merrick chased after her. After watching her get treats for saying "trick or treat" he would say "me trick or treat too" then he would run away saying "bye bye, see you later, have fun" it was quite entertaining.