Sunday, February 1, 2009

Playhouse Disney Live

We bought tickets back in October to take Merrick to Playhouse Disney Live. He loves all of the shows, Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny and the Super Sleuths.

Knowing that the show started at 6:30 pm, I knew that I needed to wear Merrick out so he would take a good nap and be well rested. For those of you who have babies and toddlers, you know the saying "the best laid plans often go awry" very well. I thought Merrick was taking a nap while I was catching up on some work, I came upstairs to grab something and heard him in his room talking. I spent over an hour trying to get him to nap, but had no luck. So we went to the show with no nap. We ran into our friends the Zuckerman's and Merrick and Zachary burned off some energy dancing to music before the show.

Merrick got excited when he saw Mickey and all his friends and Pooh and Tigger. He didn't care much for the characters that just looked like people. He did pretty good considering he didn't have a nap, but got antsy and wanted to leave during intermission. He spent the second half laying down in my lap. I don't think we'll be purchasing tickets to see Thomas & Friends next month.


Skip and Kathy said...

Hi Trav, Anna & Merrick ! I was curious how the show had gone ! Now I know :-) Hugs to you all - We love you Grandma Kathy & Papa Skip

Fam of Five said...

That's so cool that you got to go to that show! All three boys would have loved that, too, and probably would not have napped that one day as well. ;) Looks like a neat show!