Monday, April 30, 2012

I lost my tof!

Merrick got his first "wiggly" tooth about a month ago.  We've been waiting and waiting for it to finally fall out.  Yesterday while we were at the park he told me that he was ready for me to pull his tooth out.  Knowing that pulling teeth can sometimes be messy (and the fact that just the thought makes my stomach turn) I told him we needed to wait until we got home and got Daddy to help us.

Daddy stepped up to the challenge and once he realized that his fingers were a bit too big to fit in little M's mouth, he got the bright idea to use floss.  Not knowing what the outcome would be, I excused myself and left the boys to handle the business of extracting the tooth.  Thankfully there were was no crying or screaming and after just a few short minutes, Merrick exited his bedroom with a small little tooth in his mouth and a gap in his smile.  I am so proud of him for being so brave and he wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy to make sure she brought him just what he wanted.

For those of you who can't read his letter, here is what it says

I lost my tof
Dear tofarei
Dear tofarei
I wot mune
Fum Merrick Yates

and yes, the Tofarei has tucked away this sweet note.

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