Sunday, April 6, 2008

Three Days and Counting

Travis and I realized last night that we only have three days until we leave for our trip! For those of you who don't know, Travis and I are heading to Europe for 2 weeks. Merrick will be staying with Poppa and Grandma Bec while Travis and I head to London, Paris, Brugges and Amsterdam (to visit Kristen Pitstick). We've been planning this trip for a few months and are really excited, although I think we are both a little sad about leaving Merrick for so long.

Yesterday we started working on packing. Our goal is to each only take one piece of medium sized luggage. We each have a different packing method, I like to think that my "rolling" method will let me bring more clothes =) I'm not sure if that's the case, but it seems like I've got a lot of stuff in there!

We're hoping to be able to access email and our blog while we are gone, but we're not sure if we'll have access, so you may have to wait until we get back to hear about our travels.

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